It’s a phrase that is tossed about ever so often by speakers and preachers. Some of them use it as a way to engage the congregation or the audience, where the person on the stage or sometimes the pulpit bellows “God is good”, prompting the response from his or her audience with “All the time”. Sometimes, this is immediately reversed, eliciting a response from the people with the affirmation that God is good.
It’s certainly not untrue that God is good, and that he is good all the time. But I think we don’t appreciate enough that our faith needs to also consider that God’s goodness doesn’t change, simply because God doesn’t change. His goodness isn’t only there when our lives are on the up-beat, when things are going swimmingly well. His goodness is also there and unchanged when our life is on the down-beat, and when things aren’t all that rosy either. It is this unwavering part of God’s goodness that we need to exercise more faith in believing because it is what helps us face all the challenges that life gives to us, especially those that tend to make us think that God’s goodness has petered out somewhat.
St Paul tells the Ephesians (5:20) how they should be giving thanks to God for everything. We don’t take seriously enough how important this ‘everything’ is, because when we do, we are in a win-win situation in life. We win when are are experiencing joys (and give thanks to God for them), and we win when we are experiencing losses and humiliations and failures (and still give God thanks for them). This is a clear demonstration of how steadfast our love for God is, and that our love for him isn’t predicated on us experiencing good times only.
When we live our love with this much courage, we are in fact imitating Jesus’ love for the Father on the Calvary. He didn’t diminish his love for God one bit as his own life was petering out. To Jesus, even on Calvary, God was good, all the time.
I can hear the protests of so many reading this blog saying almost in a chorus “it isn’t easy!” No one said it was. If it was, there’d be so many more saints in the world and in the church. Love of that caliber is rare, and that is because love of that caliber takes tremendous effort.
Calvary would not have its salvific effect on humanity if it was easy. It was effortful love of herculean proportions that came from a heart that was bursting with love for us sinners.
Life’s curve balls are many, and no one really gets by without experiencing them in life. But what sets believers and lovers of God apart from others is that the lovers of God don’t let those curve balls undermine their love for God. In fact, they will choose to carry their sufferings with great zeal and joy precisely because it is a testimony of just how deep their faith in God is.
When this is understood and lived out, it becomes much more true that God is good, all the time.
Nota Bene:
This will be my last blog entry for a while. I am going away for a much needed vacation to give myself some serious rest and to recreate. After I return, I will be going for my hip-replacement which requires about 6 weeks of recuperation thereafter, to regain lost strength and muscle. Hopefully, after the rest that my mind and body needs, I will return to my ministry with greater zeal for my vocation, my ministry and for the work of God. God bless you all.